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  1. Many years ago as a Catholic nun for six years we did daily hour long meditations. Actually, they were more contemplations, that is with points from various written sources. They included Jesus quotes, biblical quotes and quotes from other wisdom writers or mystics. We were to think on the thoughts and visuals from these. We were then to meditate on how they impacted oneʻs own life. We would then come up with actions that one would follow and practice daily. We also had small books called examinations of conscience that we looked at first thing in the morning to see what we should be doing that day to support our points of meditation, then before we retired in the evening check to see how we did that day with our actions in accord. I write all of this because after leaving the convent, I began to study East West belief systems of meditation, I began to see how simple Simple Meditation really is. Just breathing in the moment as fully as possible no matter what I was doing seemed more peaceful than what was really contemplation of ideas in the convent. Both seem to have value in and of themselves. But mindfully looking at a flower, the ocean, a tree, a baby, my hand or clouds drifting by, all with mindful meditation is truly a full-on inner joy. Spending whatever time we can make each day to just sit and breath in and out, following oneʻs breath, anywhere at all, with eyes open, or slightly closed, or completely closed, mindful of the moment, each one without any thoughts is truly wonderful.

    I look forward to coming to the Aloha Sangha sometime in the near future to sit with a group of people who also know the joy of mindful meditation and share this joy with you and all of them. Thanks for being there! So glad I found your sangha. Mindful blessings be yours. Aloha nui!

    1. Dear Mele — I am so sorry, due to a glitch (now fixed) this website was not directing comments back to me, so I am very sorry I missed this comment of yours. I am deeply moved by your words. I can truly appreciate the depth or your words and the experience they convey. Such a privilege and a blessing to have spent fruitful time as a monastic! Again I am so sorry I am only now seeing this! Wishing you well — tom

  2. This morning while meditating, I saw a bunch of small purple flowers. I even wrote in my journal, “like the kind you would see on the side of the road – wild flowers.” Later, I did a Google search for “purple flowers when meditating,” to see what the possible meaning was. The first thing to come up was this page. Wow! It is exactly what I needed to hear! I have been studying and expanding my spirituality over the past year and have been thinking a lot about why I can’t achieve that “state” during meditation that I feel I should be achieving. I constantly question whether I am doing it “right,” or whether I should use guided meditation, silence, breathing, mantras, etc. As you can see, this post of yours was right up my alley! I never cease to be amazed how God/Source gives me the right messages at the right time. Just wanted to share!
    PS, we just took a week’s vacation over spring break to Oahu/Honolulu…..loved it! Felt that it was a very spiritual place and a special time (flew in on Easter day) to be there.

    1. Hi Allison. This kind of blows my mind. But then again, there seem to remain many unknown processes in what most of us agree as being consensually validated notions about reality. In any case, this is still a little mind blowing! Thanks so much for getting in touch with me. If you ever feel like starting an email discussing related to your meditation practice — don’t hesitate to contact me at tdmarx [at] gmail [.com] Very happy you enjoyed your tome on our Islands. Sending you lost of warm aloha! –t.

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