knee pain nirvana
If we get uptight about feeling uncomfortabe in meditation, just remember this simple instruction- give careful and kind attention to whatever arises….
If we get uptight about feeling uncomfortabe in meditation, just remember this simple instruction- give careful and kind attention to whatever arises….
Mindfulness loosens the “interminable chain of longing” as Robert Frost puts it, so I have half a chance of living this moment…
This meditation is a self-discovery. We uncover the treasure of our very own being. We lose interest in listening to the voices…
What is mindfulness meditation, and do I have to be a Buddhist to benefit from practicing it? I am frequently asked if…
As we soak in the healing waters of the present moment, the chasms between sacred and mundane, bearable and unbearable, dissolve. We…
The practice of present moment awareness shows us that whatever we are dealing with does not define us. Difficult stuff comes up,…
Progress happens when you don’t think about it. I was struck by a poem the other day while reading a new translation…
Do you have to meditate every day? The question really should be can I be happily present with things just as…
With the gradual deepening of your practice, you will feel a wonderful stillness when you simply rest your awareness on the body….
With samadhi, our simple path of awareness reveals the wonderful secrets hidden in the depth of our being. Meditation has many wonders…
The contemplative life benefits from periodic self-reflection We meditate for many different reasons. Often, our original motivations morph as we move forward…
The text we will be studying and contemplating for the next six months or so is perhaps the most highly regarded one…
Mindfulness gives us the skill of seeing our natural thought-mushrooming tendencies, and to gently wake up to the present moment of simply being with what is unfolding freshly, free of proliferation, fear, dread or unbalanced excitement and agitation.
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